Notice: Beginning October 1, 2024, the Library of Congress will require that all NLS applications for free library service for individuals under the age of 18 include a parental acknowledgment for NLS services and devices. A parent or guardian must acknowledge that their child will receive services and equipment and will have access to the entire NLS catalog of reading material. All materials and equipment (including digital talking book cartridges, hard copy braille, players, and accessories) must be returned when no longer needed. The NLS standard patron application form has been revised to incorporate the required parent/guardian acknowledgment. Completed forms can be emailed to [email protected].

Idaho Talking Book Service

The Idaho Talking Book Service (TBS) is a free, convenient audiobook library service for Idahoans who are unable to read standard print due to low vision, blindness, or a physical, perceptual, or reading disability.

The service is completely free for users, who receive titles by downloading them and/or having the materials (on cartridges) mailed directly to and from their residence at no cost.

How It Works

Contact Us


Reach out to a customer service representative by phone or email. They are available to answer questions, help with the application, change a patron’s service, and even just chat about books.

[email protected]


325 W. State St. Boise, ID 83702